saw the annuals again last night right before demassek! they played a set at pianos with all these thirsty industry types in the crowd. and they sucked! well, they're still a really good band but there was lame moments. the guitarist seemed like he wanted be in coheed, the bassist tries to put isis tapes on in the van [NIXED!], and the singer, well, he could lose some of his thespian moves. a collection of musicians, but not really a band yet.
whereas on record and in a basement the songs sound great, urgent, and huge, the set last night seemed like a bunch of 20 year olds, who are obviously talented as fuck, trying way too hard. but what can you do? i can't remember being 20, let alone having 40 year old execs trying to get you to sign everything.
so... good band. maybe great band! but i think they'll break up and form even better bands. or maybe in 3 months they'll be amazing.
the show tonight with the cold war kids is sold out and i'm not freaking out enough to try to get in. so thus ends my annuals 3 day long strange trip...