the little ones pt deux last night. they were much much better! more drunk? less drunk? second time? the rain? who knows. they seemed much more relaxed and went for it. good show! i wonder what they'll be like on sat? i won't be there which sucks cause elvis perkins is so rad! someone go and tell me about it!
say hi to your mom. hating. dull. i hear the record's good so i'll give it a chance, but really. imagine pedro the lion but more boring and with a very disinterested singer. and i'm a pedro fan! yuck. i know some people like them [who also like madonna shows and the new x-tina/premier jam] so i'll give them the benefit of the doubt. maybe it'll be better nbxt time.
dop. there's elements i love. great [GREAT] drummer, awesome 90's shoegaze-y guitar sound. LOUD guitar sound. epic guitar shredding 3 minutes into every song. really nice chord progressions. the only downfall his the whispery vocals, but what're you gonna do... i bet the album is really good. earl says oui. not OUI or oui! but, just, oui.
go see dop and say hi to your mom on tour. 5 weeks! viva indie rock circa 2000!