it sucks that the only thing knicks fans have to look forward to is giving up our top 5 pick to the bulls and seeing nate rob in the dunk competition! one of those sucks and the other is AWESOME! josh smith will be tough but i think n rob will come through with some spud webb shit. it's hard to tell though. the dunks have been lame ever-since-vince but nate's got the weird freakshow vertical. f the rumors that the team hates nate. they love him! i watch these games!
so the knicks got blown out by the hawks last night awesome. i don't know why larry isn't playing his rooks, cause playing veterans ain't gonna get this team anywhere. we're not going to the playoffs so we might as well check out what the 3 dudes can do. i'm tired of getting pissed at larry. it's just so obvious. now i'm all pissed at isiah! we'd have been better with KT and tim thomas over Q and curry. fuck the 'younger and athletic' bullshit he's always repeating. tell larry to actually play these 'younger' and more 'athletic' players! show us the progress booo!
KT was a prototypical larry brown player. 'oh, i didn't know we were going to get larry brown'. let's sign jerome james to 30 mil! 'oh i didn't know we were going to get curry'. there goes the next 4 years salary-cap wise! and right when dwight howard, lebron, carmelo, wade, and a bunch of other dudes will be signing new contracts!