Tuesday, January 31, 2006

f larry brown f isiah f dolan

it sucks that the only thing knicks fans have to look forward to is giving up our top 5 pick to the bulls and seeing nate rob in the dunk competition! one of those sucks and the other is AWESOME! josh smith will be tough but i think n rob will come through with some spud webb shit. it's hard to tell though. the dunks have been lame ever-since-vince but nate's got the weird freakshow vertical. f the rumors that the team hates nate. they love him! i watch these games!

so the knicks got blown out by the hawks last night awesome. i don't know why larry isn't playing his rooks, cause playing veterans ain't gonna get this team anywhere. we're not going to the playoffs so we might as well check out what the 3 dudes can do. i'm tired of getting pissed at larry. it's just so obvious. now i'm all pissed at isiah! we'd have been better with KT and tim thomas over Q and curry. fuck the 'younger and athletic' bullshit he's always repeating. tell larry to actually play these 'younger' and more 'athletic' players! show us the progress booo!

KT was a prototypical larry brown player. 'oh, i didn't know we were going to get larry brown'. let's sign jerome james to 30 mil! 'oh i didn't know we were going to get curry'. there goes the next 4 years salary-cap wise! and right when dwight howard, lebron, carmelo, wade, and a bunch of other dudes will be signing new contracts!

Monday, January 30, 2006

if one of these guys wasn't a cartoon then they would all be bro's!

no birdman jokes

dude got busted! fuck he was one of my favorite players. i thought he'd blow up when magliore got shipped out but he never put it togther. last year he had some choice games with hella blocks. undrafted, shafted his whole career. see you in 2 years bro! the blazers will probably sign you...

casual music review 1-30-06

cat power's last one i'm kinda not blown away by. to me it's hard to live up to the covers record. actually, it's really hard to live up to 'the greatest'! that track is so amazing and people have been jamming it for months now so the full length is kinda anti-climactic. 'lived in bars' is the closest thing though, that song is pretty amazing. little progress from 'set you free' but chan could cough into a shoebox and i'd fan out on it. B/B+

whoops i meant 'you are free'. 'set you free' was the best chisel record! shred leo...

clearlake i loved that last record 'cedars'. i think i made 5 dubs of that record trying to get bro's into them, but i just don't know anyone who likes them as much. what's up with the UK? everyone so ridiculously gloomy and there's no sense of irony at all sometimes! i love it! a band like the arctic monkeys comes out with a little bit of sarcasm and they to the top of the pops! i guess art brut is pretty funny too. god i love that song 'emily kane'. aaanyway clearlake's got a new one, 'amber'. the first 2 songs are fucking great! 'no kind of life' and 'it's getting light outside' are so fucking good! the rest kinda stumbles a little but it's not total shit. anyone remember that band kent? go find 'isola' on ebay for 3 bucks and you'll be psyched. 'amber' gets a B/B-

three 6 is hilarious and i know i'm really late on this one but i just got it anyway. i could listen to 'stay fry' 5 times a day for a year and not get mad. that song is so other level! the jeezy / juelz version of it on 'title' is good too. but the rest of the album is hit or miss. i gotta say three 6 is fucking annoying sometimes. 'tongue ring' 'knock the black off yo ass' are fucking terrible songs. i know 'tongue ring' is old, but there are moments like that that bring the whole shit down. B-. without 'stay fly' - D

Saturday, January 28, 2006

great, just... great! DR DOG!

hello my name is earl boykins and my favorite hobby includes getting the fanclub together to do a monster pre dog shesh at dubious bars and gallery floors. pizza prefered but not mandatory. no wilds or K, which was a bummer [f high on fire and arctic monkeys], but we held it down.

even though K tried to ruin the dog they still prevailed! there was a line down the block! it wasn't their best show. it wasn't even top 5 performance-wise, but i shit you not they were still amazing! brian i'm pumped that they're selling out shows! what a long strange trip it's been... everyone was singing along! there was door drama! there was stress! there was good times! seriously good times...

ok maybe i drank too much which made me bummed cause i wanted to bro longer, but it was a good night. i'm already emo about it! we all we all we AAALLLL!!!

Friday, January 27, 2006

this garden is a zoo!

"The NBA likely will launch a probe into allegations that Knicks President Isiah Thomas conspired to get opposing players drunk the night before games, sources told the Daily News."

the ship is going down in flames! every man for himself!

don't hate the game, hate the player

"Rider, 34, was being held Thursday on $2 million bail at Marin County Jail on charges of kidnapping and battery, said Sgt. Bruce Baker of the Marin County Sheriff's office. Rider, who also faces an outstanding warrant for resisting arrest in Alameda County, was scheduled to be arraigned on Friday." at least his brief, but great career, is fodder to my favorite rap name! what a loser this guy is... shya!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

why is cam age-ist anyway?

nothing better than sitting down to your 'puter and finding e-mails from jason with cam press conference pics! man this looks so weird. super twin peaks! right down to rob de niro's tribeca theater. i feel kinda bad for cam cause he's all blowing this out of proportion and jay so far is like, 'huh? whatever'. sort of like when tim thomas challenged k-mart to a boxing match and k-mart was all like, 'hey man i get enough of this stuff from my kids at home'

not to say cam is anywhere close to tim thomas, but while the jay dis is funny it's really not blowing anyone's mind right? nah it's pretty funny.

while i'm at it here's a shot of another weird press conference. marbury in tears! free isiah!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

or maybe not

hopefully he's orchestrating a trade to NY. but i dunno if we need any more drama at the garden what with the cam vs 'joe camel' courtside war...

can't wait for woody's spike lee dis movie...

the pacers just got a lot lighter

that's really all i have to say regarding this trade.

they got the internet going nuts

ok so yesterday we profiled some great players who need to step it up. today let's talk about players that came out of nowhere to shred the NBA and one or two of my fantasy teams!

delonte west is kinda up-and-down week to week, but you can't argue that when ricky and PP have a bad streak delonte is there to pick up the pieces. 11/4/4 is kind of nice from a guard who was behind 2 other players on the depth chart when the season started. marcus banks is a moron! also, delonte get points for that weird birth-mark on his lip. looks like he's always just finished eating chocolate ice cream!

david west. another d west jamming hard. it was all 'desmond mason' or 'birdman' going into the season, and all d west does is go out and haul down 8 rebs with 17 per! most improved player so far. also the best FA pickup so far in f-a-n-t-a-s-y. chris paul gets in honorary mention but everyone knew he was ROY.

my man boris diaw! ok so barbosa kinda buzzkilled him but he's still putting up 10/5/5. if another phoenix guard goes down watch diaw go off again for 14/7/6 a night. the definition of a rad player. french, and SG,SF,PF eligiblity!!!!

finally, we got a faker here. even though he plays for the most annoying team in the league, i can't hate him cause his name is smush. he got off to a blazing statistical start and slowed down, but he loggs 30-40 minutes a night getting out of kobe's way and chipping on the D [1.7 steals per!] and quietly averaging 12/3/3. not mind-blowing, but strong on a fucked up team. given some run this guy can shine. yup!

did i forget anybody? channing frye? matt bonner? the big silly? jammer nelson?

also, i think it's time for us to think about shawn marion when we talk kobe lebron KG. every year marion puts up insane numbers on a winning team and people sleep on him! [sort of] 22/12/2/2/2, 51% FG with a three a game. NO BIG DEAL

Monday, January 23, 2006


some interesting facts about kobe bryant this season. thanks to spence, team Aí Dios Mios, and the interweb for these dubious nuggets.

1. sunday kobe made 28 field goals. odom lead the team with only 7 assists

2. shawn marion has more double-doubles this season (31) than the entire Lakers team (26)

3. Sunday, the day Kobe Bryant scored 81 points, was the 666th regular season game of his career.

ok 81 is impressive ,and his team needed it. but they were playing the raps. if they were playing a winning team with a real coach i bet you the lakers would've lost. what defensive scheme was mitchell playing? aaanyway that team sucks and that coach is an assistant at best.

but 81. and a good shooting night. congrats. kobe is a ball hog. we all knew this. i wonder what other players could go off for 81 if they took as many shots? a.i.? ray ray? t-mac? lebron? it's all possible. no one's denying that kobe is a 'closer'. dude shoots daggers in the 4th and is one of the best players ever. no one's denying he's a filthy douchebag either. except if you're jack nicholson. oh yeah, he's a yankees fan too.

i'm not hating kobe cause he's good. he's a great player! i'm hating him cause he's an accused rapist, got his teammate [the most dominant player in the league] kicked off the team, does commercials where he's speaking italian in euro gardens, can't laugh at himself, doesn't stand up for his teammates, and just plain sucks at being a person.

slack motherfuckers

some shredding players who aren't doing it this year.

iggy: c'mon this guy shows flashes of being awesome! last night's shot was nice but on too many occasions he disappears. 12-6-1.5stls. i was hoping for something like 15-7-2. dude is gonna be crazy next year but i thought he was going to step up his game in 06. he been coming around, so let's not shit on him too hard just yet. i'm sayin this guy should be an all-star pretty soon. for his name alone...

stro: 9-5-.7 blks. .7!!! last year he averaged a minute less and had 1.5 a game!. everyone and their mom thought this guy would do well this year with yao and t-mac. dude can just roam free and get some weakside steals/blocks/rebounds right? no! as of jan 11, 2006? severe conjunctivitis! and this with yao on crutches. get it together stro. honorary bullshit shoutout goes to lo wright, who just can't play anymore...

korver: this guy was a maniac last year. he started slow in 05/06, then went nuts, now is riding the pine. wtf! last night he had 3 points on 1-6 shooting. 1 air-ball from 3. he's aiming, not shooting these days. him and damon jones need to see 'he got game' and wake the fuck up. i think KK will splode and go crazy again at some point this season, but c'mon man.

j smoove should get his nickname taken away from him. dude had an INSANE last few months last season with 'j-chill' [worst nickname ever] and this year they look shell-shocked. smith gets nice blocks but 9-5 is useless. he's still young, but 13-7 is not out of question. this season! his court vision looks messed up this year, like he's always looking for the 'big' block, but can't isolate or d-up his man 1-1. c'mon dudes let's get it!

also see: joel pyrzbilla, rafer alston [coming around lately though], james jones, that euro guy on indiana, eddy curry, ridnour, etc, etc...

Friday, January 20, 2006


i know i know it was too easy, but i'm just really psyched that cam raps about fraggle rock and dora the explorer. what does this guy watch!?

"It was like the JV against the varsity," said Brown, who coached the Pistons the last two seasons. "I think they could've beaten us by 50."

Thursday, January 19, 2006

"you look like joe camel" "you're ugly" "Cock-A-Wear"

haha i love this game!

this is what i love to see! your best player is hurt and then the team comes out running over picks, diving for loose balls, and lumbering into the crowd to protect their wifeys. so gordon is a money 4th quarter player and he shoots daggers against the knicks, but the dudes in blue and orange looked hungry. the pride is back! even in a loss!

i was thinking as i was watching this game, when the knicks were sending out all these stiffs a few years ago, what i would give too see at least ONE athletic player on this team. now we got too much energy! i love it! isiah's made a couple of dubious moves [curry/james] but the draft saved him. we're looking at 1 solid starter and 2 great role players. not bad! ken i know you hate mo but i don't. he'll never be a KT but at least he gives you stability off the bench. sort of what dyess did for larry in detroit. every player on a team can't be great, and we need to hold onto our veterans. cause larry's basically sending a glorified college team out there!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

totally worth it!

belle and sebastian report! 'the life pursuit' is great! i'm not running down the street in joy [almost] but i'm super pumped. the highlights for me are Mornington Crescent, White Collar Boy, The Blues Are Still Blue, Another Sunny Day and a couple other songs! the production is out of control and stuart's vocals sound sick. i kinda hoped for an album like this... heavy layers and rolling melodies. and weirdness as in, 'this kinda sucks, but instead it's just really really great!' The Blues Are Still Blue? this is coming off of 'waitress' and and i know some people can't take the 'show-tune' vibe but to me they haven't abandoned their old sound cause their last release was that live sinister song-by-song jam. sure there are a couple of shitty songs on pursuit, but just a couple!

Monday, January 16, 2006

who am i?

on january 16 2006 i shot 10-24 and 15-17 from the line for 35 points in an OT win against ivan drago. i also had 14 rebounds, 5 offensive. i dished 4 dimes stole 2 balls no homo and had one turnover. i also had 7 blocks. no big deal!

hint: Blton Erand

death cab sucked on SNL

here's a list of jams i've been jamming this week

duo505- better than their solo stuff. kinda epic. old though. where did all the rad gameboy music go? i was super into that stuff! maybe i just go back to some e*vax or lullotone too.

title stay in harlem- or as kelly says it, 'tidal!'. the best $4 i ever spent. the comedy! the gunshot samples! cooked crack 1-3 too!

clap your hands- yup i like it. fuck you jason there are some jams on this record. 6-7 jams!

pelican- 'red ran amber' is sick. totally sick! i listened to that 4 times in a row on a vietnamese veggie-chicken slamwich mission!

explosions 'the rescue'- this band just rules. i like the sketchiness of this EP what with the pianos and bells. don't pay more than $40 bucks for this on ebay though. but for $39 it's worth it.

meta-matics- we heard it at the vish [weirdly] and i went back to listen the record. fucking awesome. good move by troubleman re-issuing it cause no one would've heard it otherwise. one of my favorite shows ever was the meta-matics and the makup at the cooler in 94 or something. chuck bettis killed it! i have a whole roll of film of him spazzing the fuck out. i bet josh has the same roll but a different angle. all-scars and his solo stuff is good too but nothing comes close to that record. and that black gemini make-up split is one of the best 7" of all time. right there with the cupid car club and room no.9, kentucky [before the CD] singles. blue is beautiful! we should be holding hands!

ok i secretly just wanted to fan-out on the meta-matics.

'the leak' is exactly that! it seems like his entire next album! everyone's gonna have these tracks months before the album comes out! whatever! no rubberband man standout though. but he does go 'kick yourself in the ass!' 'if you don't like it, kill your motherfucking self!', and then gets all emo with 'sky's the limit' pt deux

ticketmaster can eat a big fat dick

the knicks have come back down to earth. ok we all saw the canadian collapse from a mile away, but they looked good against the wolves today. there was hustle and it's tough to comeback without your best player. nate rob tried to spark the team but huddy shot an insane 3. gotta give him credit. i'm not bummed on the 2 losses. this team is still really far from competing. i just like seeing them play hard!

so fuck ticketmaster. sat B&S tix went on sale and by 3PM one show was already sold out. so i got 6 tickets for the first night. the tickets were 30$ each, ouch. guess how much ticketmaster 'service' charges are? .... FUCKING 8 DOLLARS! FOR EACH FUCKING TICKET! EACH ONE! i should've pulled a vedder and boycotted that shit but i really want to see the show. i'm kinda pissed at the band for playing a ticketmaster venue though. what the fuck. this isn't GnR/Metallica snakepit shit.

anywhoo last night was a doozie and i have a new hangover tradition. walking to canal st to get mixtapes! K good tip on the southern smoke 23. amazing! but why is everyone bragging about bathing ape? that shit sucks! i got the TI gangster grillz too but that's not as good. i tried to find a-ron's store so i could buy some zines but that shit was closed. epic walking for nothing. at least i was jamming desaparecidos!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

i will fight you

nice try dooling trying to pull a 'camby'. i think the magic will take that trade-off though. ray ray gone in the first quarter? sure! and i'm psyched cause rad man played well and had 6 dimes! rashard went off too but he's a player i always avoid on draft day.

remember the heat/knicks fight? i know JVG never brought home a championship but why do you think he still gets standing O's at the garden? cause of shit like this! so much respect! and when he jumped in front of camby's ferry-aimed sucker punch? oh man that was too weird...

i miss the heat/knicks rivalry. the PJ brown flipping of ward incident? the anthony cater game-winning illegal shot? allan houston's 100 million dollar 'shotter's bounce'? this week is all about me pining for the 90's i guess. f the 00's

i can hardly believe it

5 in a row! i was glad rich had his birthday at the village cause who knew the chinese restaurants were so into hoops! ok i did. there was a guy switching channels to the duke game during the knicks timeouts! focused! i can hardly believe what the knicks are putting together right now. everything seems to be working. no injuries, everyone's passing, and the point guard is just taking over! and respect to antonio davis for the toughness, cause that's kinda the only thing we're lacking. no trades isiah! let's see how this team plays and just let contracts expire. 5 wins! happy birthday rich!

look at this gangster picture of steph. he's 14 and already has a notre dame fighting irish tat!

someone on morrissey-solo.com said i write like a teenage mutant ninja turtle! thanks!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

casual music review no big deal!

magic numbers [3 listens]- super hyped, but i like a lot of super-hyped bands [the stokes, art brut, etc]. this one falls short by a lot to me. it's really light and pleasant, just doesn't grab you, and it's kind of annoying. listen to old unrest or lambchop. yeah, lambchop is what it sounds like to me. best song, 'the mule'? 'love like you'? good for a song or two for an emo mix but overall the lasting power just ain't there. great name though. sorry josh i know they're your favorite band! i like the way they look though.

psychic paramount 'Gamelan Into The Mink Supernatural' [2 listens]- a lot of it sounds like it's just polished up material off 'Origins & Primitives vol.1' and 'Live 2002 The Franco-Italian Tour' laddio bolocko was rad, but i like PP a bit better. i always say they sound like a 'nightmare played backwards' not unlike othrelm. is that too much of a generalization? sorry. this glossed up release doesn't have the full charm of the CDR's though. it's just too polished and clean for my taste. design wise and sound wise. but still, a band that's definitely worth it.

baroness 'first' [2 listens]- heavy year 2005 relapse/other music vibe. it's good though. at this point you could play this for any relapse fan blind and they'd be all 'i love high on fire!'. new term- H.M.O.T.H.O.F. 'heavy music other than high on fire'. baroness isn't as technically shredding as some bands but they sound serious. like it's real to them.. this is what i wanted a lot of bands to sound like in the 90's. 8 minutes songs with huge waves of maximum shredding and descending progessions. 'rise' is the centerpiece. two big thumbs up.

what's this pitchfork is sweating the new boris? i gotta check it out. anyone heard it yet? i'm not a pitchfork zombie but the dude who wrote the review is stosuy from back in the day. he did a zine called 'white bread' and was in a band called 'slow children playing'. he knows his shit i believe him...